Doctors: Half of the work in owning a private practice IS GROWING YOUR PRACTICE. This practice grows itself. I cannot tell you how much time, money, sweat and tears it takes to grow a private practice. Not here, no competition, the practice grows itself. Only one other practice in town, it is a part time practice.
Lots of Medical care, the practice is on medical plans, the seller will help you get credential on these plans and transition the practice to you over a three year period of time working part time in the practice. Do you want your name to be a household name in the community. Buy this practice. Financing is available. Ring my phone off the hook. This is one of the best opportunities in all of California at this time. Pricing is reasonable considering the included inventory of $57,000, and three exam lanes of equipment, plus OCT, Optos, new Humphrey field tester, EMR, frame displays, and decor, and more with a current value of $229,000. Offering price by the seller is $639,000. Reasonable offers considered.
Additional medical plans were added to the practice in September of 2024, allowing more patients in this community to access the medical care this practice provides. Nearest OMD is 45 miles away.
This is a perfect area to add dry eye care to this practice.
Gold mine, lots of Medical care. No competition. Call now. 909-621-7530 landline, for an introductory meeting and a visit to the practice with the owner and myself. I work for a fair deal for the buyer and seller. For this 3 exam room, plus special testing room, large frame display area, exceptional practice with nearly a 35% True Net. 2023 revenue $939,000 Fully computerized practice.
OCT, brand new Humphrey Field tester, EMR, Optos, glaucoma, and other medical care needs are treated by the owner. Only one other full time practice the area. No OMD in town, if your speciality is Medical EyeCare, this rural area will have significant patient demand for that.
Rent level to dream of for 2100 SF office space of $2,500 per month. located 40 miles east of Bakersfield in the hills at 4,200 feet, clean air, mountains. great loyal staff and patients, owner will transition the practice to you. No fee to buyers.
Beautiful area to live, work, and raise a family in. Owner wants to retire. Using an Apple device you can Text me at
I am seeing hits on the ad, get information quickly, call me, I am nice to talk to,
909-621-7530. landline.
Or leave a message at 909-621-7530 if I do not pick up. This is an amazing practice, if you are looking for a practice where medical optometry is needed, this is it! Nearest OMD is 45 minutes away.
As Facilitator, I walk the seller and the buyer through the transition process.
Dave Carlton OD Facilitator of Practice Sales for 11 years and a practicing OD.
Excitement to own an exceptional private practice with great staff and loyal patient base.
The Seller will transition the practice to the Buyer by staying part time with the practice.
Facilitator of Practice Sales. I am also in private practice.
office 626-335-4021 Glendora CA Close in So Cal Come in and see me, Let’s plan your purchase. No hard sell, just the facts leading you to make your decision
home office with message phone 909-621-7530. I gladly take evening and week end calls.
With an Apple phone you are able to text my e-mail as well.
No fee to buyers. The sellers whose practices are listed with me, as in real estate, pay my Facilitator Fee
Complementary advice if you are serious about a private practice purchase.
My advice to any buyer and seller, please use my representation, you will not be disappointed with how I work.
I walk the buyer and seller through the complete transition process.
Shadowing is available at my office for you to get comfortable with private practice.
Motto. The successful transition of private practice from one generation to the next.