Located in The Ciry of Industry, This optical store was started cold in August of 2023. First complete year sales were $138,662.00 with a True Net of $ 38,438. This is without a doctor and any vision exams. There is room for an exam room. Come add vision exams and vision plans. 900 SF of beautiful decor and display of the carried frames. 4 years left on the original lease.
At your option, you can benefit from the Eleven Optical business model with their frames and lenses.
Displays and fixtures, furniture, computers, tools, Lensometer, patient records and ledgers all included in the offering price of $93,800. Inventory of frames and uncut lenses with a wholesale value of $91,000 may be purchased additionally.
Contact. David Carlton OD. Facilitator of Practice Sales and Acquisitions. Text me at davecarltonodati@hotmail.com from an Apple Phone or e-mail me at the same. 909-621-7530 Landline leave a message. drdcod77@yahoo.com
You want a nearly brand new office, add an exam room and with the present patient base have a warm start.
Facilitator of Practice Sales. I am also in private practice.
office 626-335-4021 Glendora CA Close in So Cal Come in and see me, Let’s plan your purchase. No hard sell, just the facts leading you to make your decision
home office with message phone 909-621-7530. I gladly take evening and week end calls.
With an Apple phone you are able to text my e-mail as well. davecarltonodati@hotmail.com
No fee to buyers. The sellers whose practices are listed with me, as in real estate, pay my Facilitator Fee
Complementary advice if you are serious about a private practice purchase.
My advice to any buyer and seller, please use my representation, you will not be disappointed with how I work.
I walk the buyer and seller through the complete transition process.
Shadowing is available at my office for you to get comfortable with private practice.
Motto. The successful transition of private practice from one generation to the next.