We place students in internships across all sectors in Latin America, Madrid & London all year round. Example roles include political internships direct with the Colombian government, finance internships with top Latin American investment banks like Celfin Capital, and legal internships in London with commercial giants like Lockton.
We have extensive networks across creative and corporate industries that offer a variety of elite hands-on roles. We also offer volunteer experiences, language courses and cultural immersion, providing everything needed for succeeding and living abroad.
Please take a look at our Website to see Program Prices:
http://www.theinterngroup.com Our international programs include:
· A top internship in your field of interest
· Quality accommodation of your choice
· Professional development resources
· Airport pick up
· Language classes (optional)
· 24/7 Emergency Assistance
· Pre-trip Welcome Pack and Orientation
· Local Tourism & Social Events
· Visa Assistance
The Intern Group's progress is regularly featured on CNN International. Here are some featured examples:
http://business.blogs.cnn.com/2012/05/21/foreign-entrepreneurs-friend-or-foe/ Contact us for more
information and program
https://www.theinterngroup.comuniversities@theinterngroup.comhttps://twitter.com/theinterngrouphttps://www.facebook.com/TheInternGroup+1 (718) 878-6393 USA