- Started in 1998
- Mailing list for news letter - up-to-date
- Over 880 patient files (no redundant, no deceased included)
- Cash practice
- High-end, full service practice
- Herbal Dispensary (mostly powders): sold separately or as add on.
- Office and Clinic Equipment/décor
- Phone number
- Informational handouts
- Will work with practitioner in introduction to patients, area (meet and greet, news letter, on website, etc.), assist with licensing and to help you get "up and running", if so desired.
- Territorial style, 41 year old, block with stucco building in residential area
- 2,9,21 total approximate square footage
- One story plus basement (cool in summer and warm in winter)
- Clinic size: 702 sqft (front of building), 3 large treatment rooms, full bath, reception area, business office and large dispensary (with access to home kitchen by back of office). (The master bedroom and bath could be added to the clinic, if desired.)
- Office and Clinic Equipment/décor
- Home: (north and back side of building) 2 baths, beehive fireplace in family room, faux fireplace in basement and work shop in garage
- 2 sheds and an open air metal work bench behind privacy wall.
- Pool with diving board
- Organic, permaculture, urban farm: in back of building, surrounded by block wall (Inquire for full list of fruit trees, vines, herbs, veggies and edible flowers, including roses).
This practice is in sunny, award-winning
Chandler, Arizona's Stellar Air Park, and 15 - 20 minutes south of Phoenix International Airport (PHX) (25 - 40 minutes south of down town Phoenix).
Stellar Air Park is a private, 40+ year old residential air park, book-ended with gated communities (new multi-million dollar homes). We are on the main street, mid field, and off the tarmac (quiet). The clinic is 2 to 4 miles from route 10, route 101 loop and the southern route 202 loop, for patient easy access. Patients can fly small crafts and jets in and park at Stellar Air Park, where there are also hangers for sale and for rent.
Although this is 1 mile from the wealthiest per capita center of Arizona, the cost of living is still low.
The area offers abundant outdoor and cultural activities, including city, state and federal parks; restaurants; theater; opera; ballet; symphony; golf courses; tennis; hiking trails; water parks; museums and historic tours. Chandler is in the East Valley of the Phoenix Metro area. The renown retirement community of "Sun Lakes" over laps with southern Chandler.
For more data on this award-winning city, with a large tech industry, growing bio-tech industry and low unemployment, see: and,_ArizonaThis clinic is perfect for the family with a practitioner-parent who wants to be home for children or someone who enjoys a "short commute".
* My goal is to have a talented practitioner take good care of our patients.
For more information on purchasing the practice and/or apothecary, contact: Dr. Jessica Jordan at 480.350.7532 (text or call) or (please put "practice" in subject line)